Photo by Lexi Adams https://www.instagram.com/lexiadams.photography/
I believe in good food. Food that brings people together, that fortifies us, that satisfies a hunger for both beauty and honesty, and that has a relationship with where it is grown, prepared, and enjoyed.
I've worked in the gourmet food and restaurant industry for almost a decade, with jobs from cheese monger and barista to restaurant cook and self-taught artisan baker. In developing these skills, I have cultivated a relationship with the art of making food that has made an impact on not only my professional, but my personal and artistic life.
Sharing food has the potential to be a radical act, because when we share food, break bread, or even take the time for a cup of coffee with someone, we share ourselves. And creating the context for that sharing; making the bread, brewing the coffee, laying the table; is work that I want to do.
For more information about my professional work and experience, please see my resume here, and feel free to contact me with inquiries or questions!